Friday 5 October 2018

Get back to blogging you lazy sod! - AK&ALR + M&RR Loco list.

It's been a month since my last blog entry, whoops....sorry about that!

Honestly though it's all been very quiet on the model railway front. Still I thought it was about time I did something, so here is the current locomotive list for the layout. All the AK&ALR locos are named after people who had, or reputedly had, associations with the village and surrounding area.


No.1 Layamon - 0-4-0 Steam Tram built in 1877 by Henry Hughes & Co. of Loughborough alongside Wantage Tramway No.4. The company ordered two steam trams and a goods locomotive when the line was converted to steam. Both gave good service for many years, until No.2 was badly damaged in an accident at Shaver's End. No.1 is now the only 1877 locomotive left on the line. Named after

No.3 Captain Yarranton - 0-4-0 Goods Locomotive built Fletcher Jennings & Co. in early 1878 as a slightly modified version of the famous Captain Baxter. Originally the lines only goods loco, a small makeshift tender was added when the line was extended to increase it's range. With the heavier loads now being transported over the system, it has been relegated to shunting work between Areley Kings station and Redstone Quay. Named after

No.4 Prince Rupert - 2-4-0 Passenger Locomotive built in 1884 by Beyer, Peacock & Co. as a hybrid of other various designs by the company. A strange concoction of the 177 class and the M&GNJR A class, it was destined for a railway company in Wales. When the company went bust, the locomotive was put up for sale and was snapped up by the AK&ALR after No.2 had it's accident. It was given a smaller four wheel tender due to the weight restrictions of the railway. Named after

No.5 Matilda & No.6 Doddingtree - 0-6-0 Goods Locomotives built for the railway in 1902 by Kerr, Stuart & Co. to a freelance design. These two tank engines are small but very powerful, and have excelled at dealing with the lines heavier goods traffic. Named after &

GER C53 No.136 - A recent visitor to the line is one of the two new tram locomotives from the Wisbech & Upwell Tramway. In return for the invaluable help the AK&ALR company gave the GER in creating the W&U, they have allowed the use of a new C53 for trial and evaluation. If the C53 proves successful, the hope is that new tram locomotives can be built to a similar design to replace the older locos on the line, namely No.1 and No.3.

M&RR (Histories not fleshed out yet)

No.1 Tilly - Kerr, Stuart & Co. Wren

No.2 Sophie - Quarry Hunslet

No.3 Evie - De Winton Vertical Boiler

I will try and not leave it as long until the next blog entry, and thanks for reading!!